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Bal Cup 3 – BEST XI

Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è italy.png Lo staff della piattaforma Premium League è lieta di pubblicare la formazione composta  dai player che si sono distinti maggiormente in questo torneo. Non è stato semplice perchè molti avevano i requisiti per rientrare tra i migliori ma a fare la differenza, come sempre, sono le statistiche personali (Gol, Assist , MVP) Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è united-kingdom.png

The Premium League platform staff is pleased to publish the lineup made up of the players who have stood out most in this tournament. It was not easy because many had the requisites to be among the best but to make the difference, as always, are the personal statistics (Gol, Assist, MVP).

GK  Steel1203 (Never absent, he deserve the title as the Best GK of the tournament) CB  Jasmin_jahic (Gorica deserve the place because only 11 GA) RB The-Coach (Italian Tigers captan is, without a doubt, the best full-back of tournament) CB Davidone (Useful defender for Tigers, important was his gol vs Husaria at last minute of the match and awesomel bicycle gol vs Musashi) DMF vASo_13 (Gorica deserve the place because only 11 GA) CMF IlBasileus 1 Gol,  5 assist AMF  JunMisugi14 2 Gol,  3 assist, 1 MVP  AMF Goldenball1995 1 Gol,  5 assist CF  Delariox7 10 Gol, 2 MVP CF  SlavenKing_ 8 Gol,  4 assist,  2 MVP CF  Marco_cd8 8 Gol,  1 assist,  3 MVP

Special mention to  TTV_EasyClapz05 (10 gols), NamberOne10 (4 gol, 3 assist, 4 mvp), ShaRki73 (2 gol, 5 assist,  2 MVP)


The best XI were selected based on the results submitted by the captains. Remember for the next tournaments to submits results correctly as shown in the > rules < out of respect for all the captains, players and admins. The spirit of the rules is not to limit the freedom of thought of those who participate but to protect the participants.